Comprehensive Periodontal Therapy
in Baton Rouge

Periodontal Therapy
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At Model Dentistry, we recognize the critical importance of healthy gums for maintaining overall dental health. Located in Baton Rouge, LA, our clinic offers advanced periodontal therapy to treat and manage various stages of gum disease. Under the skilled care of Dr. Timothy R. Raborn, we provide personalized treatment plans designed to restore your gum health and preserve your natural teeth.

Understanding Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, involves the inflammation and infection of the gums, which can eventually lead to the deterioration of the tissue and bone that support your teeth. Symptoms may include swollen gums, bleeding when brushing or flossing, and persistent bad breath. If left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss. Learn more about the causes and symptoms of periodontal disease on our dedicated information page.

Our Periodontal Therapy Services

We offer a range of periodontal treatments tailored to the severity of the condition and the specific needs of each patient:

  • Deep Cleaning: Removes plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line, helping to halt the progression of gum disease.
  • Medication: Antibiotic treatments can be used in conjunction with other therapies to reduce gum inflammation and control infection.
  • Flap Surgery: For advanced cases, surgery might be necessary to reduce periodontal pockets and improve access for cleaning the roots.
  • Grafts: We perform tissue and bone grafts to regenerate any lost support and improve the aesthetics of your gum line.

Benefits of Periodontal Therapy

Effective periodontal therapy not only improves your oral health but also enhances your overall well-being. Benefits include:

  • Reduced Gum Inflammation and Discomfort
  • Prevention of Tooth Loss
  • Improved Breath
  • Enhanced Smile and Oral Health Confidence

Why Choose Model Dentistry for Your Gum Health?

Dr. Raborn and our dedicated team at Model Dentistry specialize in the latest periodontal treatment techniques. We focus on patient education and preventive care to help you maintain your gum health and prevent future issues. Our compassionate approach ensures that you receive the most effective and least invasive treatments available.

Schedule Your Periodontal Consultation Today

Don't let gum disease affect your life. Contact Model Dentistry today to schedule a periodontal assessment. We are committed to providing you with the best possible care and helping you achieve a healthier, more beautiful smile in Baton Rouge.